
Configuration is done in a single file at the root of your site called config.json.

If you want reference on what each property in this file does, take a look at the schema.

Using a Different Config File

You can use a different config file during generation by passing it in after generate

menagerie generate --config path/to/config.json


Using the cache_enabled config property, you can control whether you want menagerie to cache output so subsequent builds are faster. Before you turn on caching, add .m_cache to your .gitignore so it doesn't get pushed to the repo. Anytime menagerie encounters a file that hasn't changed since last run, the rendered version of that file will be loaded from the cache. A dot (.) is displayed instead of Building: path/to/ ➔ out/path/to/out.html if this occurs. Finally, if config.json is edited the entire cache will be invalidated.

If you wish to clear the cache before running generate, you can use the clear-cache optional arg:

menagerie generate --clear-cache

Caching in GitHub Actions

To setup caching in GitHub actions, use the pre-built cache action with some unorthadox keys:

# ...

- name: Cache Site
  uses: actions/cache@v2
    path: ./.m_cache # (or whatever path you use)
    key: docs-cache-${{ github.run_number }}
    restore-keys: |
      docs-cache-${{ env.GITHUB_PREVIOUS_RUN_NUMBER }}
# ...

What this does is create a cache with the current run number as the key, and restores using the key of the last workflow run.
Note that this will only work if you're running this workflow on a machine that uses bash.

Environment Variables

The URL_PREFIX environment variable is used to prepend paths when calling route and static.
This is most useful when developing on a local machine where links don't work.

For example, PyCharm's dev server serves file relative to the root of the project, but if my docs/out/ folder isn't at the root of the site links will not work.
To counteract this I can set my URL_PREFIX variable to /docs/out/ so that way all links will point to the correct location.

If you're using pipenv this is as simple as making a file called .env at the root of your docs folder and doing

pipenv run menagerie generate

Pipenv should automatically load environment variables from .env for you

Note About GitHub Actions

If you're running site generation in an action, you'll want to set base_url to "" and URL_PREFIX to "YourRepo".
Setting environment variables in GitHub Actions can be done with the env property at the root level.

name: My Action
  # ...
  URL_PREFIX: /my-repo/
  # ...

If you want an example of how to build menagerie pages with GitHub actions, the menagerie docs has one set up already.
Important Note: You can remove the "Install Self" step of the job as that is specific to menagerie, this also assumes you're using pipenv and have a folder called docs in the root of your repo.